Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Somewhere Around Now (later)

This was found in the notepad where I cut and paste odds and ends from my travels as I do my best to continue distracting myself from the irritants and unpleasantries of life. Somehow, in spite of the continued lifetime proof that people lie and use and betray and abandon, I find ways believe receive and relieve myself in a myriad of ways and distractions, many of those linked in these blogs... even when it takes months for the proof to be posted (such as this one).

Then, for reasons tht may or may not become apparent eventually, I told youtube how to run their ship:

Give us a way to see all of our comments - like the "activities" feature on Facebook or the system Discus uses. Someone active on Youtube communicating a lot with others has to try to bookmark a comment to see if there were any replies. That defeats the purpose of using Youtube as a communication tool. One reason I watch it like "TV" and don't take it seriously as a social media platform. It seems Google (as demonstrated by Google+, has no clue how to create a useful social media platform. Learn, please.

Then I watched this.

I am surprised I did not comment here. Not being able to find comments I left on Youtube really turned me off Youtube for anything more than an alternative to TV. It used to have potential as a social media platform, but Google, well, you know. You said it well in your song about that. Anyway, thank you for reminding me how much I love some Placebo. Your love of Placebo leads me to wonder what you think about The Waterboys. I have no clue how I will find this comment if you reply, but anyway, I'll keep wondering lol. Great to see your successes in your musical dreams (been enjoying your music since you first shared). Keep it up. :)

Then I told myself to explore these later... but I never did.

Being alone sucks when the desire to share is strong.

Unresolved betrayals suck even more.

People ignore so much.

Narf :)

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