Friday, September 6, 2019

No Time For Babble

I'd like to sleep and wake and sleep and wake wherever I want whenever I want, but work continues to be a necessity to survival as I don't like playing money games and love giving more than saving or hoarding (stuff aside), and during off time, kids make it more challenging as I always must be covered in clothes and that feels so restrictive in so many ways so sleep is not as easy as it could be without the restrictions (not insomnia, just not as free to crash anywhere anytime as I'd like cuz of noise, proximity, and clothes). Blood flow, you know, and energy, both optimized by nudity. It can't be ideal for them to have to walk by me every time they leave their room as their bedroom doors open into my living room and they are right next to my bathroom. We've been through this before, in case you remember the redundancy.

TA bought more lasagna for dinner (I gave in to Italian food last night when he suggested it) because he little one wanted it. She pretty much gets anything she wants. So there's a party sized lasagna in the oven. Meanwhile, not he's making her sandwiches because she doesn't want to wait for the lasagna. I wonder how much of her is just looking for attention and control and how much is just impulsively asking for things. They go shopping for stuff every week and she got a new outfit today, among other things. She has her own tablet that she carries everywhere as she's always watching it and the TV in her room is never turned off, which makes me have to turn mine up to hear mine. I couldn't find the remote for her TV last night when she went to bed so I just closed her door (she sleeps in TA's room/bed, but as I said, her TA (and lights) never go off when she is here. She's of the total immersion TV/internet generation even more than any before her.

We've been a TV generation ever since radio gave way to TV, the better part of a century now, and it's demolished our culture, eliminating most creative diversity, originality, and reducing outside activities for most people. That, and our addiction to consumerism, contributes to the oligarchial domination of everything and he deterioration of our freedoms. We have fewer choices with each passing decade.

I tire of the outside world too.

This entry sucks.


I'll just insert it somewhere in the past where it can get lost and also fill in a void as this blog has fallen far from a daily this year. No time for babble and for better or worse, not much interest in babbling. The immediate environment offers way too many distractions for free-form babbling and the internet is less appealing than ever. The world is so dominated by the idiots in charge that it is challenging to filter the negativity out and I am tired of negativity.

So just go about your business as usual and ignore what you don't like, cuz that is the human way more than ever.

It took a long long time, but I've learned to be human too.

If it matters, you can let me know.


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