Sunday, February 10, 2019

Full Scale Pig-Out

I's as if I am deliberately challenging the body. The asshole issues are flaring up bigger than they have in months. The hemorrhoids on the right side are bigger and harder than ever and have moved to external, which is a whole new discomfort I am learning to live with. I've been sitting way too much at work and at home too and have drifted away from really keeping in touch with myself in these writings as anyone who keeps track would have noticed, but then, does anyone really? Let's not start the pity party too much, m'ok?

The food blog and the brief daily blog has a lot more detail than I'll repeat here, probably, mostly because I do not want to sit much longer today even though I really have so many words piled up inside and so much more not put into words just yet. That may be while exercise has been minimal and calories have been so high for the past month or two. Dare I get on the scale that is in the bedroom?

So I have lots to take care of in me, but all the stuff around me is distracting me because there is so much to take care of around me. At home, there's still lots of unpacking to do. Limited space has slowed that process to a crawl. I thought we'd be sharing the house, but TA hasn't moved out of the second living room, so I haven't set up my TV or really moved into that room, which has stalled the moving in. The tiny bedroom and even tinier bathroom have stalled the unpacking there. Any way I look at it, it's going to be cluttered. TA has the much bigger bedroom, bathroom, and closet (I haven't been in it, but the bedroom looks about 20x20 or bigger) and his living room is bigger as well, but he spends all of his time in hid bedroom or "my" living room watching his TV. He has another TV in his living room and in his bedroom, so I'm not sure why he hasn't followed through on sharing the way he said he would. Maybe he wants the socializing, maybe he doesn't want to give up the space the way he said he would. In any case, I've got to make the decision to move in or move out.

A couple of days ago he asked for a copy of my driver's license to do a background check. Kind of late in the game and has me wondering if I should continue unpacking. The lease is up in June, so he could decide to not renew and I might be looking for another place suddenly, which would mean packing up everything, storage, and settling on whatever I could find quickly. I really don't want to think that could happen, but since TA has not followed through on his initial sharing plan and now wants to check me out formally after more than two months, I don't know what to expect.

Still, unpack, sort, de-clutter as much as possible, and live in the moment.

Watching the Patriots come back against Atlanta in te super bowl is a great distraction. All the food is a great distraction as well. In fact, I am going for more chocolate milk. And maybe something else.

A little chocolate milk, a little hot and sour seafood soup (leftovers brought over so they wouldn't spoil, but not having a microwave means using pot and pans and cleaning more and not having lights makes cooking and cleaning much more challenging, but I shall adjust and hopefully will figure out how to get the lights back on eventually), and some cheddar and sour cream chips.

And the greatest QB of all time playing for the greatest coach of all time wins another amazing record-breaking super bowl again. Lobsterfest is calling. Distractions are abundant. Hunger remains.

The animals have chilled a bit, napping, mostly. The outdoor cats are outside somewhere. I am getting nodding.

So let's do an afternoon Nite Nite, m'ok?

Narf :)

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