Saturday, October 26, 2019


Well, not quite mania, I mean, it was just one entry from way back when (you can read the entry and the comments by clicking right here that got a bunch of comments a few weeks ago and after dissing them, I decided to actually read them... and this is my response:

Ok, so maybe I was a bit hasty calling you all SPAM lol. So...

Anon #1, thank you and I clear my mind by dumping anything in it out into the babbling words you read. When I don't have a concrete thought, I just babble about whatever comes to mind and let the flow of words happen. Maybe it works sometimes. :)

Anon #2, thank you and I hope the rest of your day was made even better somehow. Thank your brother too. :)

Anon #3, sometimes I thread the title into the blog in clever ways according to some people and occasionally, I think so too. Most of the time the title does have some connection to the babble, eventually. I appreciate your idea and even though I've written well over a hunded thousand entries over the years (more than a hundred of my blogs are right here on Blogger), I'll keep your title idea in mind. Yahoo's home page, aye? I used to have one of those, long ago, and for irony or whatever, one of my many names there was and is Anonanonanon. :)

Anon #4, Hug, I hurt bad when words are lost like that. Thank you for trying, and for the praise. I wonder what you wrote. :)

Anon #5, Yahoo News again? I have no clue how I got there, but this blog will surely come up on searches for Yahoo News now, aye? lol. Thanks. :)

Anon #6, Thank you profusely :)

Anon #7, Is your sister single? :)

Even if she is not, I would love to hear her analysis. :)

Anon #8, In a Blogger Blog, go to Settings --> Posts, comments, and sharing and scroll down to "Show Word Verification." That is Bloggers version of a Captcha. Hope this helps. :)

Anon #9, Articles, I still kind of wonder about that word. Anyway, thanks. :)

Anon #10, Aussie? Teaching? Ok. Thanks :)

Anon #11, No one else mentioned it. What browser were you using?

Anon #12, Thank you, please feel free not to resist commenting some more. :)

Anon #13, A new scheme, aye? About softball or cats or something I missed? God luck to all of you and hope you and your whole community come back and comment more. :)

Anon #14, You may have visited before, after all, I write hundreds of entries. Or maybe you visited one of my other 100+ blogs. Candoor writes a lot :)

Anon #15, The word "board" also makes me wonder. Maybe you don't have many blog encounters. Then again, I have journals, diaries, and blogs, at least. Call it what you like and come back anytime. :)

Well, that was a busy few days a few weeks ago and I am happy I stopped by here to publish all your comments.

Maybe one of you could tell me why you chose a 2016 entry and not something closer to the dates on your comments?

Especially since I basically tried to sell you on the more fun (for me, at least) entry right after this one that you read and responded to, aye? :)

Whatever the reasons or rhymes, real or not, I appreciate all the attention and hope you come back to the present to respond some more.

Make your life smile :)

Yes, they were all named Anonymous, quite the coincidence, isn't it?

Narf lol :)

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