Sunday, March 18, 2018

Days Before, Daze, Even

It was another day, days before, another life, daze before, relatively others and so many more lingering because there's always hope for the babbler (and the babbling fool too), for instance, here is a touch of the madness (or something like that)...

After a couple of days or at least 30 hours of lazy-brain with a touch of poor-me sorrow that leads me away from wanting to write, I wake refreshed (sort of) and find words aching to rush out into these spaces I call the written gardens online. You've heard of paths to enlightenment and euphoria? Well, here may be mine, in case it matters. I welcome (and encourage) you to stroll with me for a while and just as much, to share yours. If you haven't found yours, I'd be happy to look for both of ours with you. :)

So catch up on the last few entries if you want a piece of my waking mind and explore further into the wilderness of words if you want more. Jackson has inspired much flurry of friendly folly from the recesses of consciousness during nocturnal emissions over the past week or so and the smile widens all the more to refresh my memory and understanding of who I am in this life, the universe, everything, and more (because that's what we're here for, no doubt).

Babbling may follow as I have a couple of hours before a promise must be kept.

Will someone stay awake with me?


Narf :)

Watching Perception

Being different is not always challenging, but usually is... it is so much better when someone shares the journey, supports, tries to understand, respects, cares... and when I find the love, respect, and appreciation the smile widens bigger than the face... to be loved is a perfect state of grace. :)

Still I wonder if it's sympathy
or just pity
or could it be
truly understanding?

This brain of mine is relentless
demanding answers
evidence that can be seen
how can we know we have been
if not touched by at least one of our senses
and felt and shared and known

here I am for all to see
in cyberspace infinity
words for all eternity
do you know this is me?

writing almost every night
even sometimes in daylight
even if no one's in sight
to read these words I write

I reach out to the moon and stars
wishing they all could be ours
my heart is so much like stars
each wishing someone would believe
in them enough to wish on them
for all the wonder we could share
and all beyond...
one more time again

here I am for all to know
written gardens that still grow
as real as much as it's a show
to entertain and let you know

that here I am for all to see
in cyberspace infinity
words for all eternity
did you know this was me?

We each respond to awareness differently for we are unique individuals with perspectives only we can experience from the inside. When I realized I was born into this life, my heart burst into an infinite number of pieces like the stars in the sky, each piece wishing someone would wish a wish of love on it that would bring them all back together as one. Some people do life differently, but this is the way I've know, the experience I call me.

I try to express my experience in words...

anybody out there?

Narf :)

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