Monday, December 4, 2017

All About Me

If you clicked on this entry because you thought this entry was going to be all about me, well, won't you be disappointed. Everything is all about me. Is this the first blog entry you've ever read? Ok, some blogs are about subjects other than the writer and there are blogs that are completely impersonal, entertaining, even. Not this one. This blog and most of the other blogs you'll find if you look around are all about me. It's not that every entry starts out intending to be all about me, it just seems to turn to be all about me.

I just fell in love with Sarah Silverman. So wait, is that all about me or is it about her? Well, it is my feelings I am expressing so I suppose it is all about me. It was building up, this love for Sarah Silverman, as I was watching her first three shows on Hulu and then, somebody broke her. The world shrunk into this tiny abyss in my brain, or somewhere, and I almost related. Naturally I am sad, because obviously there is one more friend I will never know, probably. I could keep rambling on about Sarah Silverman and pretend it is about her, but writing Sarah Silverman a hundred times would not likely make this entry about her. Or get her to come over and give me a hug. Or be my friend. Or masturbate. At least not here.

I was writing the brief entry and you'll notice many of the words here come straight from there, like when I said that I'll probably write more about that, that being Sarah Silverman. Or my love for Sarah Silverman, to be more precise. It's all about me, remember? But we have a lot in common, Sarah Silverman and I. We are both too real for TV, prime time or cable, even. Probably too real for the people around us. Wait, that's my sad fate. I imagine Sarah Silverman has more open minds and intelligent people who are aware and not afraid of awareness or sensitivity no matter how hard it hurts around her. Her grass is greener, I'm sure of it.

She's got a cool rabbi sister, even if she believes in god, I mean, a rabbi who gets arrested praying in Israel has got to be cool. She sounds like a Jewish rebel like a woman rabbit channeling Jesus. Sort of. They've been arrested together. And she adopts. You know I was adopted, right? See, all about me. At least I didn't go into the sex trade. I really want to swim with their dad. The Silverans, I mean. You know which Silvermans, don't play coy with me. I really love the opening too. The spoiled brat destructive red, white, and blue stars and stripes infant. You don't even need to put the orange wig on the baby to see it.

So I worked today, as I often do on Mondays. It was another good day, like most work days since I got this job I really enjoy. Probably not as much as Sarah Silverman loves her job, but I don't think we could trade places. I am not as clever as she is and she is a little too unpredictable for government work. I wonder if she is a foodie? Google is no help. Maybe I should try Bing. Nope. Who's in third place?

Yeah, so another fine work day passed with limited fanfare. Grassroots matter. Progress at the desk in the morning as I finally got enough cooperation from the powers that be to re-establish an alert system for communication throughout the bulding in case of emergencies. People like that. More happened, but I'll just repeat the brief entry now because I am tired of babbling, sorry to end on such a mundane anti-climate. It's not like Sarah Silverman will show up and be disappointed or anything.


The car to the shop, a meeting reviewing the emergencies and preparation for the next emergencies, washing the pool car because it was filthy, then back to the office to catch up on email and a few other things. Then, dinner (several cans, of course). I almost went to dinner with friends but tonight is a low calorie night and dinner would have been higher calorie. So I stayed home and rested. Watched Hulu TV. You may have gotten that already if you know where to find Sarah Silverman. Did you ever wonder where intelligence went?

I still want to know... who's the statue?

Narf :)

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