Monday, January 21, 2019

Sheeshenfeffer Anonymous

Or something like that, perhaps, in any case, I haven't had much me-time Since I moved in here. Mostly because I am spending most of y time in the living room and TA spends much of his time in this living room even though he moved the couch into the other living room. I think it's a socialization thing on both our parts and I think that is a good thing, but it's just odd that my usual me-time, middle of the night, is when he wakes up and wants to sit and chat even if I am sitting here watching a TV show or typing intently on this laptop (intently, of course, being the key word in this bot of self-mockery and irony or whatever, dontcha think? lol lam lal). Going from a silent partner video-junkie roommate who barely said a word to an actively social roommate who enjoys making conversation is kind of a culture shock and I am trying to adjust without being rude (hope I'm succeeding cuz social is way better than complete silence... Heck, Eb hasn't even responded to my texts since I left).

This entry was interrupted by life and socializing and stuff to do.

These are things on the Sunday (and Monday, since it's holiday) TO DO list:

Finish laundry also in garage
Put together shelving
Arrange bedroom
get clothes on shelving
Change sheet
Open Brita and find bedroom spot for it
Continue boxes
Start kitchen dishwasher loads
Check Winter shirts box
Watch NFL Playoffs
Shopping for frozen foods for freezer
Look for chair for cat
Exchange the wall key holder
Shop for things on list
Get pillow for recliner
Put up coat hooks and other stuff
Catch up on blogs and online
Done, Continues
Done, Continues
Not done
Done, Continues
Done, Continues
Not Done
Done, Continues
Not Done
Not Done
Done, Continues
Done, Continue looking
Not Done
A little, Not Really Done

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