Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Lost This One

As I was sorta saying, because whatever. I seem to be intermittently, with more frequency of late (late being the last few months or so), pausing in the uploading and slowing in the writing. I have written more emails to J in the past few months than I have in a few years (usually we write much more sporadically) and she is helping me a lot to deal with the current life challenges and stresses and changes that depending on others can bring (especially when the person is secretive, has sudden mood swings, and communicates poorly.

And now, the computer is becoming another distraction or obstacle or whatever because it is crashing and words are being lost. This entry, for instance, was a lot longer than it is now but most of it was lost in a crash before it was saved. My personal physical reality is not a shiny happy place these days (is it ever?... well, yes, even if the imperfections are highlighted a bit too much for the average eye to see... luckily, we are not the average eyes, right?... a lot of people are, unfortunately, especially a lot of those closest to me these past years... I really must change that), but the child inside still enjoys most every moment. Child inside is mostly silent when there is no one the play with because having fun requires no record or communication when no one is around.

Anybody understand what I mean? (there's always hope :)

So after cards and light conversation and light fun with friends and fiends (as Harpo would call some people, though for different reasons than we;d think, perhaps), I drove home and made every light all the way to the I4 overpass (which is very rare) clocking 14 minutes (probably close to the fastest ever) and made it to the door in 22 minutes (also rare, but definitely not the fastest). I set the towels to wash for the third time (maybe I'll remember to take them out of the washer and hang them up tonight) and sat down here.

So what else is new? :)

As for the cards (in case there isn't enough dirt, drama, and details here already), I ended up second in Hearts and first in spades in spite of the scoring manipulations that seem to be more common lately with Curly becoming less and less friendly and more and more critical of everything I do. For that reason and also because of my dietary changes I do nothing but show up and play cards these days. I used to show up early and help clean the place and set up and a lot of other things. I give Curly as little as possible to criticize and it seems more pleasant for everyone that way. Knobby was first in hearts and Excel was second in spades. Everyone seemed to have fun except Curly and I after trying everything I could to talk to him about what's bothering him, I've finally stepped back and there is much less friction.

I did some reading about Garcinia Cambogia which is hyped for weight loss by body builders and others and also HCA (lost those links) and something about:
Choose a preparation that is at a minimum 50 percent HCA and is not composed wholly of calcium salts: Make sure potassium (K) and/or magnesium (Mg) is present. If the product has a low lactone )pr lactose?)content, that is even better.

Be sure to take an adequate dose. For a Ca/K preparation used successfully and reported in a peer-reviewed publication, the dose of extract was near 1.5 g, three times per day before meals. In this 60 percent HCA preparation, that approximates 0.9 g of HCA prior to each meal.

Take the preparation on an empty stomach, i.e., 30-60 minutes before each meal.

Take the right dose at the right time.

The computer crashed during that research so maybe I will return to it down the road, but for now, I stil with the supplements on hand (Multi-vitamin, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, Iron, Garlic, Cinnamon, Chromium, Omega Fat complex, Apple Cider Vinegar, Raw Potato Starch) along with a diet of mostly raw veggies, nutes, salads, yogurt, and canned (unfortunately canned fits in with the camping-like lifestyle) tuna, salmon, chicken, and clams and the occasional buffet where I can have raw fish and cooked foods (shrimp, fish, duck, eggplant, and some sauces and something else to satisfy the taste buds).

That's some of what was in this entry before it was lost to the crash. So what's going on in your world? (yes, I want to know, still) :)

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