Wednesday, August 29, 2018

That's Why They Call It An Asshole

In case it matters, I mean, as if anybody's out there missing my whiny rambling pathos and irreverent apatheism, among the other questionable qualities I dump out here in this internet graveyard where words come to die with great oblivion and alacricity, even. Look it up, it's electric alacrity. Look up apatheism, while you're at it. Challenge me, try to correct me, see if I care. You can't enter my mind unless I want you to, after all, so just go right on abandoning me and I'll just go on playing with the other strays left for dead on the streets by masters who tired of them.

I probably should revive this one, but fuck it, why bother with afterthoughts when thoughts have taken exit 42. It's all right there waiting, like one of the Marx brothers said... or sang... I think it was Richard. Groucho, Harpo, and Chico are my favorite trio right after the Wacko, Yacko, and Dot. Actually, they probably fall in this order... Wacko, Harpo, Groucho, Yacko, Chico, and Dot. Unfortunately even enlightened cartoon characters and comedians succumb to the patriarchal dominance inbred into humanity. Sucks to be male. Sucks worse to be female. Humans are such disgustingly ignorant, vile, stupid people.

You're not one, are you?

Just in case you noticed that I haven't been here for a while, how was I supposed to know. I mean, did you tell me? You could have told me I wasn't here and maybe then I might have noticed.

Where are those wide-eyes of wonder when you need them, anyway?

Site unseen I give you the chance to decide for yourself. What does it say about me when all I could focus on how much I dislike high waste jeans and how tired I am of processed whiny voices. That's what I get for searching for wide eyes of wonder. We really don't need another Adele, do we? Avril was a kind of Aly Silverstone eye candy face, after all. And Fiona, whatever happened to Fiona? We already have a Mariah, thank you. I'll stick with Elton for wide-eyed wonder. And Robin, dear Robin.

I had to stop this crazy thing, Jane, and so, the end is not just near, it's right here.

t . b . c .

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