Tuesday, June 19, 2018

One of Those 50 Things, Or 200.

This is a ridiculous exercise repeated many times by many people.

Long ago, I did it many times too too too too too too too .

I wonder what we will learn about me this time.

It is challenging for me to say yes to help.

I am addicted to playing softball.

I pitch.

I have a lot of tournament winner and league championship T-Shirts.

I like T-Shirts.

My phone died suddenly and nothing was backed up.

It is a very uncomfortable experience.

That is because I have many obligations and no calendar to remind me.

Not numbers to call to verify or reconnect with the flow of life.

This is momentary.

Like life.

I am torn between iphone and android. I have all these iphone cables. Other cables are buried in storage and I don't have time to go there to search. I don't have time to shop well. On the other hand, everything I am reading says Android is better. I'm not ready to make to make a decision.

Does that could as 1 or 7?

I pay too much for my phone plan.

I need Precious to get a job and pay for her phone.

I need time.

I need to lose weight.

I need sleep.

I will think about it.

There are no words to say thank you enough.

I don't eat as healthy a diet as I should.

I don't eat a lot.

Still bloated.

I have many doctors, specialists, and vampires.

I only started collecting them this year.

I didn't have insurance for years.

I was very rich once.

I've been homeless twice.

Maybe three times.

I'm poor again.

I accept donations.

I've been picking myself up my entire life, from birth, all by myself.

It is what I am used to.

I'm just tired of it.

I'm tired of alone.

I'm tired of living like a refugee.

I'm tired of feeling bloated.

I want chocolate.

I have to get up early for more medical tests tomorrow.

I mis sharing memories.

Wish I could sleep more.

I a tired of seeing big boobs on TV when all I want as small boobs.

I am tired of seeing boobs in politics.

I don't mean breasts.

I am tired of having boobs.

I do mean breasts.

I am tired of being a boob.

Have we learned anything worth the time we are writing/reading?


We won yesterday, 11-1... We are 6-1 two games in first with 3 to go. Might have my first T-Shirt since 2016. The Dallas tourney we won this year didn't give T-Shirts, cheapskates.

Will lose big tomorrow, twice, screwed by the organizers of the league, A team dropped out so they grabbed anyone last minute and gave me to them as a pitcher. A mostly middle D team playing C-B teams. it happens. Still it gets me out playing another night, must play to live.

For a few years I played softball six days a week.

I have yet to meet anyone who understands me.

I am always hoping.

Always longing to share.

Always hungry.

Always bloated.


I have been much happier than I am at this moment.

I am still the happiest child I know.

I sometimes hide it well.

I write a lot.

I still want to know about you.

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