Sunday, June 10, 2018

Reflections On V2T (Part 2)

Relentless in my pursuit of the hands-free blogging method, I continued attempting to use voice to text (V2T) so I could interact with the animals at Brandy and Jackson's place while I was house/pet sitting because they (the animals) are comforted by close cuddly hands-on attention from humans, especially during and after thunderstorms and we have those at least once a day here.

Voice to text would be an excellent thing for me to use if it worked properly however I must speak so slowly and sis synced Lee focusing. That’s sis synced Lee incorrect. It apparently does not know the word sis synced stupid..

I think I meant to say succinctly focusing on the enunciation and articulation and whatever of every phonic sound, but yeah, distracted again, I forge on...

So what ever thought I came to put into words this time and every time so far is where he distracted or lost before I can get to the thought because I am watching the voice to text misinterpret too many words.

Oh really?

And I still must press a button to initiate the 2T that’s the two T and then why do I need to say it again? V to T well that’s better. But I needed to take a bow about 15 seconds to actually get that on the screen correctly and this whole paragraph was distracted from what ever it might have been. Paragraph break. And then there is the problem of the VE to T stopping in mid sentence forcing me to press the button once again where for I know not where for vera for what are you typing. Therefore there is no flow of consciousness mirror is no way to just say what is on my mind and speak freely because I must either stare at the screen or listen for the bell that tells me to stop talking and press the button and I must check where the V to T stopped. Paragraph break. Skip line. New paragraph. What is the code for a new paragraph? And why do people think these smart phones are so smart question mark

I give up until next time...

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