Monday, July 31, 2017

Wanting More

There was more, there is more, there s wanting more. The ignorance is amazing. The irrational pretense that the ignorance can be ignored and replaced by ridiculous irrational premises is even more amazing. We live in illusions and collective illusions become reality and and truth, but that does not mean it is fact in the bigger picture. Sadly, few pay any attention to the bigger picture. We are part of the universe, but we pretend we are not. We pretend we have some control over our lives and this planet. We ignore the fact that a speck of rock floating through the universe can end life on this planet in a moment. We ignore the fact that we have no control over the sun or moon or anything.

I want someone who wants more than the simple illusions that small minds call truth.

Will you join me?

Narf :)

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