Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Sleep, Fool

So I start the new year with reflection and and resolution without resolving anything, but at least creating clarity and accepting the instability of the choices I make to remain as I am in this life in spite of what might be called common sense or good advice. Bring me your tired, your poor, your toxic people and I will show them they are welcome to unconditional love and more with hope they can resolve what brings them to toxicity and become aware of their inner beauty. All it takes is overcome fear and trusting love within.

Honesty is such a lonely word, which is precisely why I am s lonely.

This is a good show. I would include an example, but I have not decided which of the shows should be in my blog so just click on the link and explore for yourself

I will continue this, but for now, here's a good way to walk into 2018...

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