Thursday, February 9, 2017

Liquid Distraction

Now you might think, given the title, that I've been drinking. Well, I have, my way. The language of our culture saddens me when I realize that "I've been drinking" leads to the assumption that the fluid consumed is alcohol, often in large quantities, and the statement is often apologetic. What a society we've accepted. Anyway, I've been drinking water. Some Gatorade with polyethylene glycol 3350, 64 and 8.3 ounces respectively, but mostly water. I didn't finish the Gatorade, but did consume all of the polyethylene glycol 3350 along with five or six bisacodyl tablets, 5mg each. Sad to realize I've poisoned myself in order to satisfy a doctor. Bad Doctor. Yes, I am heading for a colonostomy tomorrow and the bowel purge has begun.

Some doctors recommend medical treatment for evolution.

Anyway, we are here for distraction so... I left work early (after putting in 40 hours in less than four full work days) and had to go to three stores before finding the poisons prescribed my the doctor to clear the bowels. Target did not have the size or a generic substitute and would have cost me more than $15. CVS wanted more than $20 for the stuff. Walmart had a generic substitute for less than $5 and 88 cents, respectively. Modern medicine plays with poisons, but there is no health care in modern medicine. I mean, there is no one really caring.

Maybe I need more drugs, where is that distraction I ordered?... It is a little bit more than a little bit amazing, maybe a whole lot more, but then, it could just be coincidence and not my mind controlling everything as some parts of the brain (perhaps called ego) might like to believe, but the fact is I am sitting on a fake leather chair that is completely wrong for the conditions this body has endured for the past year or more and the body has cooperated completely so far.

Shhhh, don't jinx it, aye?

Ok, so seeking distraction, I found Earth From Above. looking for mindless images, I found I simply shifted from this body to challenges facing the human race (but it is a step toward distraction so I am going with it because human stupidity is killing us all and we all should remember - yes, you too - yes, even when we have major personal challenges of our own... because the only way our species {that would be your children too} will survive is if we do something about our stupid self-destructive ways).

Did you know that almost a billion people on this planet are starving? Humans grow enough food to feed everyone alive today, yet one out of seven people alive today is starving. That is because the food humans grow is fed to animal instead of people. That is because humans in control of the food would rather eat meat than grain, so food animals get the food while almost a billion humans starve. What kind of species lets that happen?

Ethics, morals, integrity. These are just meaningless words in our times.

So warped is our cultural thinking, that even the supposedly "good" thoughts are suicidal. Take ethanol, for instance. Green fuel? Think again. In Brazil, two out of three cars run on 100% ethanol. Sounds good, but then, to grow the crop that produces the ethanol, huge amounts of water is consumed and vast areas of land, often forests and always a natural ecosytem, need to be cleared. Killed. Deforestation. The pesticides used to keep the crop from being destroyed by bugs flows into rivers and and aquifers. Then there is the processing, the refining process is not good for life on the planet. So switching from fossil fuels to refined plant fuels is not a green process. It is almost as bad for our planet and survival as draining the planet of oil.

I got to thinking about this.

Buffalo Tiger, Indian Chief, lived 87 years in the Everglades. It was very different way back then. Paul Grey lives there and tries to protect the Glades from people. I decided to try to find some sort of visual history of Florida (especially water in South Florida) by searching for maps.

Water in Florida has a history. A very sad history. Just ask google if you care and want to know (or see) more.

Before Columbus there were humans living on this water-blessed land for more than ten thousand years. By the early 1800's, Florida because a shape on the map that slightly resembled it's actual shape. Prior to that, it was a shriveled shell of itself on maps. In 1827, Florida had been divided up into 12 counties. Of course the people living in Florida for all those ten thousand years had to go somewhere. The plan, it seems, was to move them underground.

In 1845, Florida became a state and naturally (gives us pause to reflect on the word), people started mapping it better. By 1856, drainage of the Everglades was well underway. Surveyors were mapping the drying out of the swamp. Florida seceeded from the union in 1861 and was at war with freedom and equality, in case you wondered (many people still are), and there are plenty of maps from that decade. Maps advanced in the 1870's

An Act of Congress in 1877 set the wheels in motion. Some time in the late 1880's Florida went on sale. Central Florida and South Florida for sale in 1888 and beyond. The 1900's bought plenty of maps to choose from as you can see from this all these links right here, aye lol? .

As wet as it seems to most people living most other places in the USA (and non-tropical world, for that matter), by the 1950's, Florida was drying out. As you probably know by now, water is vital to life. Water shortage in Florida? Humans are not the only ones who need water.

. . . o O ( . . . hours later . . . ) O o . . .

Goodness griefness, I do believe that I am officially distracted.


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