Monday, February 13, 2017

Three Steps Away

Actually one with many, or perhaps a flight of stars. There are several background checks and screenings to insure I am a safe driver, don't do illegal drugs, don't have a criminal history, have reasonable good credit, and a few other hoops to jump through, but I received the conditional offer officially by phone and email today. Soon I will be the old dork who drives around in the wanna-be police car with "Safety Officer" printed on the side. Only one in the county. Da doo da dah.

LOL... hey, I'll take it seriously when I am on the job. :)

The toughest part is telling my friend (did I give him a blog name?... well, I know him but we are not really close... he forgot my name at the meeting this morning, so I should tell him that's why I am quitting (stop laughing, it is going to hurt him in many ways as he was counting on me to fix his ailing business... I spoke with Tinman and he may take the job if it's offered to him... I'm gonna recommend him hard and offer to help out part time in some way until he settles into it... on some level the boss will understand, but on another he will feel betrayed even though I told him I have several applications pending and it would be tough to turn down more than twice the money with a good benefit package and lots of paid time off... good enough for government work... it is really a near perfect job for me at this age, so bit the bullet and share the bad news tomorrow... it's not the only bad news I have to share, but the other bad news has to do with the cost of the software they want to deploy... it's gonna be a sad day at the office).

Ok, so it's wonderful news aside from the leaving the other place and not being a winning lottery ticket. I applied for Trump's job, I mean, now that he's President someone's gotta do it, but I haven't heard back yet. I will not disclose the salary for several undisclosed reasons, but it is between seven and sixteen digits and there may be a decimal point in there somewhere. Including health insurance, which can be as much as $100K according the the ACA website (the cheapest they had for me $800 a month and with deductibles and co-pays, it was a total cost of $16,609 per year... wait, I found one for $651 a month with a $7200 deductible... sure, that's affordable... just over $15,000 a year... the state plan is $50 a month or $25 a month with a $250 deductible... then there's oodles of time off for holidays, vacation, and sick days if I need them... so let's see, stay at a job that pays $10 an hour and push other people to do better so I can get commissions or guarantee myself more than twice that without counting health insurance and other benefits... let me think about this).

Yup, tough decision.

I don't see any obstacles (unless being a crazy blogger or former crazy Facebook loony toon is not acceptable :)

It's the usual screenings I had to go through for most of the long term jobs I've had in this life. I got the official letter offering the position, a conditional offer pending passing all the screenings.

So who's celebrating with me?

Yeah, it would really suck if I did not get the job and lost the Marketing Manager job.

Think positive.

I am just getting in from softball. I batted last again and went 2 for 2 tonight. An atypical line drive to left center (I usually hit to right) and a screaming liner down the first base line. I have not made an out in the four games we played on Monday nights, my best personal season in a while, especially for night time play. I must be getting used to the lights. We won again. A tough loss last week makes us 3-1 and in second place. We play the first place team next week. More fun.

Hungry, but maybe sleep is a wiser choice.

Excited, but very tired.

Mono-linear sentences.

Happy happy joy joy.

Nite Nite.

Narf :)

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