Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Maybe Back (A Little Better)

Focusing on what may be causing the back aches. Gaining back some weight and eating more in accord with the pattern I've chosen for some time now may play a role. Sitting in a chair that provides some lumbar support may play a role. Stretching the back by touching the floor every ten minutes or so may play a role. With a tentative degree of certainty, the back acts up when I fast, lose weight, or eat healthy for a few days. It is possible that is an initial reaction and I simply must work through it, but the back ache lingered for more than a week and nothing was working so I returned to the usual routine and tonight is the first night I sat and played cards and the back feels closer to normal than it has in a week. Fingers are crossed that this will continue through tomorrow and there will be no back pain for next week's softball tournament.

I will not sit in the recliner tonight. I am typing standing up and it is not comfortable. I must obtain a chair that provides some lumbar support and a comfortable seated position or I may not sit while at home until I do. That is not exactly a good situation to be in, but that is where I am. I may look for a chair this week, but definitely must when I return from Austin. There is no room for such a chair in this room at the moment so either rearranging the room or sitting in the other room are my only options. The latter is very unappealing and would be quite a nuisance as so many things would need to move there with me to be comfortable and the floor is bare concrete in there and there is no electricity or lighting at the moment so I'd need to run longer extension cords plugged into existing extension cords and the logistics are not simple. Making the chair I need fit into this room would mean moving a lot of boxes into the other room and that will not happen until my back is much less troublesome. Yet the chair is needed to help my back. A catch-22 situation seems to have arisen.

Facebook inspired some words. here they are.

Meanwhile, the anal itching returned likely because I was sitting for most of at least five hours playing cards. The baby powder and corn starch remedy does not seem to be working. I am wondering if I forgot to put some on tonight. I applied zinc ointment when I got home and it feels a bit better. I really need to make time to go to get my blood work done and go back to the free clinic soon after I get back from the tournament.

Meanwhile, back to the back, sort of. I keep figuring that if I lose weight and do abdominal exercise the back issues will not come back as much and yet, my current friends and lifestyle present a challenge for that goal if I make it a goal. I went over to Curly's with the best of intentions to eat healthier and less calories. I was about to open a can of chicken and eat it with a little mayo when he asked me to eat some cold cut roll-ups because he was getting tired of eating them and his son went home. He bought them mostly for his son and he's been eating them for several days in a row. So I ate some of those instead of the can of chicken I brought with me. And then for dinner I ate a cheeseburger and a handful of mini-sausages and fries and salads and more. I drank three Code Reds which is 510 calories by themselves. When I stay home my entire meal may be 510 calories and sometimes is half that (a can of chicken is 210 calories and at times that is all I will have for a meal). I must find a way to resist the temptation of barbecued foods and high calorie side dishes.

Yet after putting all that pressure on my back by stuffing my abdomen, the back doesn't hurt nearly as much. Why?

I am tired and I really want to sit down. I am going to stop writing now and lay down.

I may try sitting in the recliner again tomorrow with some pillow supports behind my back. Maybe. I will do my best to return to continue or conclude or write more somewhere tomorrow for as long as I can stand because I want to write more.

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