Sunday, September 18, 2016

Castles Burning

Yeah, the writing elsewhere continues and there is a song in the title, but I am actually watching Castle after finding it on Hulu. Why didn't I find it there before and why is it going to expire in eight hours? Maybe Hulu gets limited runs of some shows. All this online TV stuff is new to me. So I need to decide which parts of which episodes to jump through so I can get to the series finale before the series is no longer available on Hulu so I will be up as late as it takes watching. At least I do have no commercials. So what are you up to?

Today was softball. At least softball was scheduled for today. 7:30 am to 6:30 pm mostly watching games and rating players under the brutal heat of the radiation from the sun. Somewhere in the mix we fit in two games, though my team was barely there. Coach picked up a new player who was part of a destructive afternoon while he was elsewhere. He came back halfway through the second game and made decisions that made matters much worse. So we lost two games. No one wants the new player on the team. She let us know she didn't want to be on the team either, very negative, distracting, and a liability on the field. Her errors gave up at least a dozen runs in the two games and she made excuses and said she would rather have been playing with her other team. She has been dropped from several teams that I know of and I have no clue what was going on in Coach's head.

Hopefully this mistake will be fixed by next week or this will be a long season.

Meanwhile, just cuz I took a break to listen to music (folish, since I am on a deadline of sorts), I am just so sick of the "she cares" commercial. It keeps popping up on CBS online. Also on Youtube. How do people really believe she cares? People are so delusional, no wonder the world is in the state it is in. If she cared she would do what is right. Feed children, educate people, and save lives with basic health care. Instead, she continues the path to destruction that comes from supporting the war machine with half a trillion dollars each year while pretending there is not enough money to feed children, educate people, or save people's lives with basic health care. Must keep the billionaires running the defense industry, the health care industry, the insurance industry, the drug industry, and other billionaires happy so the bribes keep coming.

Whatever, out damn politics.

So what took me on a musical interlude you might ask. Well, did I mentioned a far away friend I never met who has shared an on again off again blog entitled a post Begging for Thread (and I am not even sure the song Google took me too when I searched had anything to do with her post) and I listened to parts of three more Banks songs and noticed Youtube suggested a few songs I had either listened to recently or maybe their just read my mind and the saddest thing (oh Linda how you reached me once) which brought back so many of the deepest memories of tapes lost in Toronto about love lost in New York and a couple of Kate Bush songs including a sensual world la la la but I just copied links and I decided to listen to Lenka and hope.

Maybe the castles I refer to are the goals to drop weight and lower certain blood values by changing dietary habits since I have been pigging out all evening since I got home. A can of chicken, three teaspoons of light mayo, sunflower seeds, two veggie burgers, two yogurts, a couple of ounces of apple cider vinegar, a few pieces of dried papaya, water. The craving for salt and more continued and now, the bloat. I cut my blood pressure medication dose in half because of the side effects (muscle cramping and more) and to see what the numbers are after a week or two at half dose and I am considering asking to try the next prescription without the diuretic to see if that effects the blood work and cramping and... I am distracted by the TV. Cinnamon and garlic and fish oil and more B Complex too.

Now back to Castle.

It really doesn't matter if I'm wrong or right.

Narf :)

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