Monday, September 19, 2016

Mondays, Meh

The normal work week starts and everybody gets busy with work (Curly's work ethic appears more and more annoyed with my trying to enjoy {coping, but he doesn;t get that} the free time not working provides. I get online and start searching for jobs and distraction. Blah blah blah, the routine can be sad as every day is another failure (or many failures) as each application or resume rejected or ignored is a failure to get a job. So I leave the online TV on for distraction (and entertainment when I am not beating myself up like an over-zealous work ethic does, ya know?)

Here's an annoying distraction now. I am so sick of the "she cares" commercial. It keeps popping up on CBS online. Also on Youtube. How do people really believe she cares? People are so delusional, no wonder the world is in the state it is in. If she cared she would do what is right. Feed children, educate people, and save lives with basic health care. Instead, she continues the path to destruction that comes from supporting the war machine with half a trillion dollars each year while pretending there is not enough money to feed children, educate people, or save people's lives with basic health care. Must keep the billionaires running the defense industry, the health care industry, the insurance industry, the drug industry, and other billionaires happy so the bribes keep coming.

Whatever, out damn politics.

So a far away friend I never met who has shared an on again off again blog entitled a post Begging for Thread (and I am not even sure the song Google took me too when I searched had anything to do with her post) and I listened to parts of three more Banks songs and noticed Youtube suggested a few songs I had either listened to recently or maybe their just read my mind and the saddest thing (oh Linda how you reached me once) which brought back so many of the deepest memories of tapes lost in Toronto about love lost in New York and a couple of Kate Bush songs including a sensual world la la la but I just copied links and I decided to listen to Lenka and hope.

Now back to Castle.

This is life these days. Waiting for responses for resumes and applications sent out. Searching for more places to send resumes and applications. Wandering the web or more recently, watching TV online when the waiting is a bummer and I seek distraction. Today, in additional to the internal distractions, I wandered the neighborhood for many hours (most of the day) kinda sorta making up chores to do. I spent money I did not need to spend, but I did get stuff I would have gotten if I was working and things I will use immediately (already have). Better underwear for wicking perspiration away from the body. Had to go to Fedex to print and scan another document needed to renew my Risk Manager License (not having a printer is a very time consuming inconvenience). I went to several stores to try to find Chelated Iron and finally realized I may have to order it online. Yes, my days was full of excitement and wonder.

I drove to the evening softball game in the rain because the field did not finally call the rain out until a half hour before game time in spite of a half hour downpour leading up to game time. I returned home and distracted myselg with Hulu as I found the latest season of Bones (I am beginning to see shows come and go on Hulu rather suddenly at times).

Finally (for the day, before the evening game disappointment), I had another job interview. It went ok, but I don't think I want the job. Goodwill assistant manager paying $11 an hour. Goodwill is not a company I want to work for based on research (greedy corporate as exemplified by what they pay managers) and the low pay provides incompetent easily replaceable management and staff. Not a healthy environment. I had to miss --- funeral, sigh. I have tried not to think about it as you may have noticed from my ramblings, TV watching, and choice to wander through stores. She will be missed.


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