Sunday, January 8, 2017

Cards and Games

It was another internet TV day with NASA, two series - NASA X and NASA 306 - and then I started a series called Cosmic Journeys which is interesting, but way too dramatic. As if knowledge is so amazing, we must be shocked. Knowledge is fascinating, often amazing, but the drama (music, voice tone, pregnant pauses) is something between immature and ignorant. Humans. Ego does not want to accept our insignificance, so it must be presented in grand sweeping drama. Fear of the unknown leaves presenting the unknown as virtually unbelievable, omg, wow, imagine that.

The previous entry summed up the events of the day. Rain instead of softball. Yummy food and way too much of it. Bathroom stories. We had so much fun, ya know? I napped and then The Commodore woke me with a text asking if I was coming to play games tonight. It was a game night, not a Bridge night. I debated as sleep was sweet. He texted a couple more times and I decided to wake up, shower, and head to out play. As I about to leave, Harpo called to remind me that Tinman was having a party tonight. He left a message as my hands were not free to get to the phone.

Games were fun, way too much food - five obese people, three of whom with waists more than 50 inches and maybe more than 60 inches. So much food and uncontrolled eating habits is not healthy for me when I am in an emotional eating phase. The health issues are obvious and one of them had to go side in a recliner due to pain in his legs after putting 9 heaping spoons of sugar in a cup of coffee. Trying to intervene in such dangerous health habits often is rebuffed as fat shaming or prejudice, but that is a cultural thinking error that excuses the suicidal behavior. Understanding food addiction and being vulnerable to it, it is challenging for me to smile or enjoy seeing it. I must turn off my senses sd I feel the pain and my heart cries, but I must stop feeling to avoid offending by current cultural standards.

We played games Curly was good at. Those are the games he likes. I just enjoy playing, but when someone knows a game so well they can laugh and not even concentrate and win easily, it gets boring (and sometimes annoying). The two largest people, a couple, left early as they usually do because their son is challenging and they usually leave before 10pm. Curle, Excel, ad The Commodore played a couple of other games and then I excused myself and told them I was heading to Tinman's party. I got there almost midnight.

About eight people were still there and we talked. They ordered a pizza, but I abstained. We played a game called Scattergories and then everyone except Tineman, Harpo, and --- left and they brought out the game of Risk. We were still playing at 7:30am. Harpo likes to try to control a game rather than play to win (though he's convinced himself that his way of controlling the game is a way to win. He does not win often and usually it is when he just outlasts everyone as his prolnoging the game by first siding with one player and then siding with another leaves most people not wanting to play with him. It is an OCD mindset and he just doesn't understand.

I finally looked at Tinman and we called it a morning. Tinman would likely have won as I was no longer playing to win after about 6:30am. He's a better player as well - I barely remembered how to play Risk. and it can be a to often become a monotonous game of chance. Playing it for 6 or more hours is not what I call fun. Still, I went along with the choice not only because it was Tinman's house, but also because I will play most anything someone really wants to play as long as they play fairly and logically.

I finally headed home and had a bagel with smoked salmon cream cheese and whitefish salad, turned the TV on again, and sat down here to summarize the evening. I forgot to take my blood pressure medication yesterday evening and I must remember to keep a spare pill in my wallet. Definitely addicted to the drug. It is time to get some sleep.

Enough emo drama opinionated self-important whining for you?

If you ask why I'm laughing, you don't know me at all.

And how was your night?

Narf :)

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