Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Remember Memories?

Don't you remember? (all this confusion is just an illusion). The message was right there all along (does anybody i actually know in life offline ever really read this?) (seriously?).

All day in the car, then all evening sitting playing cards makes for a sore butt and tight muscles. Woke early for the fingerprinting for the screening for the job I interviewed for yesterday and then took care of printing papers and driving them down to the office. So the process is complete from my end and now the wait begins. Meanwhile, the search continues. Today, however, I drove around town and while I did not get some things I wanted to do done, I did get a sense of the potential traffic experience if I get the new job. Just think, I could have been Ubering. I searched for buffet restaurants on the east side of town and found none so I eventually rode back to the west side of town and splurged on the Crazy Buffet. Shrimp in all shapes and sizes. After dinner I drove back to the east side to play cards at Curly's place. It was the usual oddness, but mostly fun. I had a few chips and salsa but did not eat the hot dogs and beans. Arriving home, the bowels were released as usual and here we are, summing up the day.

All the fun of the fair. :)

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