Saturday, October 1, 2016

Busted The Diet

Half can of chicken, 1/3 cucumber, 1/3 squash, 1oz dijon mustard, about 12 grape tomatoes, about 8 almonds, one dried pineapple ring, water. Dinner. Lunch was 4oz yogurt with 2 teaspoons raw potato starch. An apple awaits as a snack when I start craving food again. Belly stuffed (and Bob Marley starts singing in the background).

That's been the food consumption on most days the past few weeks. Once or twice a week I eat something else at Curly's or at Excel's or out to dinner with Helen or Jackson. Tonight, after almost that same dinner detailed above, I was still hungry five hours later and I busted out a can of spaghetti and meatballs, mashed in a whole block of light cream cheese, added some Conch Turbo Sause and a bit of ketchup and stirred and mashed and kinda sorta blended it with a plastic knife right there in the can. That's cooking for me here these days. Then, I can't believe I ate the whole thing. I washed it down with the last drink box sized YooHoo and basked in the bloat of decadent splendor.

I watched some online TV. Something from the CBS lineup and then switched over to Hulu and spent a half hour, at least, selecting my watch list, as they call it. Then I watched a couple of episodes of The Simpsons and followed that with Paradox which was strange and ended with a thud after five episodes. Apparently, according to Wikipedia, it received mostly negative reviews from critics. Critics must be respected in England or something. To me, critics are mostly negative lazy cynical small-minded people who'd rather sit around criticizing others than actually doing something because they have no imagination, ambition, or talent. Just like I just did.

Snarky, aren't I?

Actually, sometimes the story was very slow moving but that may be as realistic as it gets when trying to figure out a puzzle over the course of 18 or even several hours. The technical aspects of science is seldom done well on TV so I suppose, especially now that I have a much more limited selection of shows to watch and I am looking at older shows I passed over originally, I am overlooking more flaws than I usually might. Everybody's a critic, even me, aye?

Laugh and the clowns look sad, or something like that. So as if that calorie bomb was not enough, I cracked open the last bottle of Pepsi and poured it over Luigi's Cherry italian Ice and for the first time in almost a month have a sugar caffeine buzz. I blame George Carlin.

Glancing down at the Facebook notifications that have suddenly started popping up on my desktop I see I've been tagged yet again and I am wondering... who the fuck tagged me on a photo of Hillary Clinton? I believe I posted one political post on my wall in the past year. That's it. I do my best to avoid political discussions (and fail miserably at times which is one more reason I try to avoid Facebook). The people I see most in my offline life these days are struggling Republicans who blame government for their struggles. They admire millionaires and angrily condemn government saying anybody can choose to work hard and make millions and I don't have the heart to ask them why they don't because reality, you know?

I've been on the night shift this past week. Speaking of sleep cycles, not work. I am still not working, I think that angers Curly, but then, maybe his rant about lazy people who want freebies and handouts had nothing to do with me. It's not as if I get unemployment insurance or food stamps or other government support even though I am eligible for it. Anyway, I do my job searching overnight because that is when the internet connection is fastest because there is less traffic than other times. I've started watching more internet TV lately too. The sun rises and I start thinking about getting some sleep.

It's not like I have a whole lot going on, after all. Did I mention we played the dominant team tonight? The team that run-rules every other team, including us the first time we played them. We lost 13-8 and might have done better if we hit better, but I sucked and most of the team didn't do much better. I didn't go out to the sports bar afterwards thinking I would save money and eat fewer calories, but only one of those things happened. George Carlin continues. I am amused.

And that's the news for today. How about you?

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