Thursday, June 2, 2016

I Was Here (Expanded Edition)

Referencing the previous entry as well as this other entry (there, shameless plugging accomplished, level up), I will always be here as long as the planet and cosmos allows the internet to exist and google allows this blog to remain online. I wonder what their long term plan for these blogs might be, if they have one. Like what is the expiration date set for future generations. Will they endlessly expand their storage capabilities to retain blogs of previous generations no matter what volume of babbling nonsense the blogs might contain (like this one, for instance... or any of these, in case it matters)? Someday, especially if motivated by someone who wants to help, I want to print out every blog and then they will be on shelves somewhere for as long as the printed word lasts. Or in a box. Or in a landfill. Everything ends up in the ground somewhere someday, even us.

Well that turned dark fast lol. I suppose the title could be taken as a final entry, but there are final entries prepared for automatic uploaded on October 31st of each year (I change the year some time prior to that date so it does not get uploaded). Here is an example of the one in the previous daily blog:

i died... sigh (oh wait, no more sighs... the body breathes no more)... the flesh is deceased... the body kicked the bucket... ceased to be among the living... non-existent in human form... passed on... away... [insert your most comforting euphemism]... not alive... dead...

i did not know how else to break the news... i mean, since the fingers are not moving anymore... i had to find a way to let you know i will no longer be here without being here...

google/blogger/blogspot (thanks) provided a way... see, this was a scheduled post and if i do not reschedule this post, it will automatically be uploaded... unless the auto post feature didn't work, in which case, nevermind... i've already rescheduled it a couple of times over the years... we ought to be prepared for the inevitable, right?... so just in case i forgot to reschedule this post before it was automatically uploaded and am still breathing (ooops), i will write something better tomorrow, or as soon as i notice (in case i abandoned blogging for some reason or left the online blogging habit completely, which is not likely but anything is possible), i mean, if i did not die... with profuse apologies for the premature report, of course... but if i did die...

i just wanted to say i love you one more time...

i love you one more time...

so long, and thank you for the love :)

Wow, how utterly brief. I'd expect an epic rambling blog post that critics would be debating for years "Genius!" ... "Amazing!" ... "It Sucks!" (Harry and I will be laughing at the last one or so we hope). I should get some sort of award for all this time and energy. Maybe a Nobel Prize for Wasting Time lol... ah, but it's life and my life and playing with the words is a big part of my life and I love playing with the words so, I am my own prize. :)

This will likely continue another time...

But for now, as I said briefly in the breif blog, yesterday was a wonderfully restful day of writing and playing games and a healthy low calorie tasty dinner all by myself here in this little space. Sitting was not painful and only got uncomfortable after what I'd consider an appropriate period for normal pressures so life improves again. Healing is a good thing. Today I ought to tidy up around here, but I will be heading to Curly's to help him with some heavy work (unloading those pipes and other stuff we loaded on to his trailer over the weekend, among other things) and then we will head to Excel and the Commodore's for Bridge. So time for a shower and then, out until tomorrow. :)

Make today spectacular! :)

Hope your day smiles for you :)

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