Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Keep Your Lap (and top) Clean (part two)

Wow, two parenteses in the title, that's a rarity. Collector's item? Only if you are collecting rare and meaningless blog posts and if you are, welcome to the madness we can call BAA, Blog Addicts Anonymous (cuz we like BAA better that BA or BAH, Humbug... or something like that, he says sheepishly... get it?). Yes, so the previous entry must be part one (like there is a rule or something?) and the entry before that may be why I was prompted to spend hours and hours doing the cleaning and defragging and such and such in the first place because I could have sworn it was a long entry paused when I fell asleep and it somehow disappeared so I blame the cluttered computer (or I could be making all that up). It's a madhouse, a madhouse, I tell ya!

So now we are up to the pictures (or photos, though some may be images and some gifs and some memes and some, well, you get the point) and there are 28,163 files occupying 8.93 GB and the computer says it will take many hours (up to 21 hours at one point... I wonder if that time estimate for data transfers will ever be accurate in the Windows world (as in OS). In any case, I am not sure how many I might delete as I've reached a point where 128 GB are free which is about 40% of the drive. I will defrag again after downloding another folder or two and see what happens.

Next up are the two Downloads folders. I forget why I have two. I think some program created one some time back and I may have deleted that program. Or maybe it's Winzip as the three files in one of the folders are zip files. Anyway, the main Dowload folder has 113 files and 0.97 GB and the other one has 3 files and 96 KB. Right after that I will copy the Documents folder which contains 3337 files in 18.2 GB which will take some time so this will likely continue into tomorrow, but this entry will remain rambling on.

I found a lot more in Publc Videos as apparently Amazon sets up shop there and another 180 files in 24.8 GB were copied and the external drive has almost 200 GB of videos, music, software downloads, and documents now. I started to download AppData which has a whopping 235,567 files in just 5.7 GB (though the transfer box said it has 128,769 in 5.57 GB so something reading something wrong) but halfway through there was some error and the transfer stopped. That doesn't matter so much as I am not deleting anything in the AppData folder.

When all was said and done, I defragged both drives and found my laptop not has 186 GB of free space. I wonder if it feels better and will run better now. If only I could lose wieght that fast lol.

Meanwhile Windows Update keeps bugging me to download updates for stuff when Microsoft no longer supports Windows Vista. The two latest are for Windows 10 and Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 and I don't use either on this laptop so am on the verge of turning off Windows Update notifications.

Old computers, sigh.

At least it's mostly clean and healthy now. The $60 Auslogics program tells me there are other errors, probably registry entries for software long removed, but I am not spending $60 to do any more. It is what it is, a laptop going on ten years old and in this day and age, that is a dinosaur, but I love my little dinosaur.

Take care of your dinosaur and you too, m'ok? :)

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