Sunday, July 3, 2016

Asshole Cops

I have a lot of friends on different police forces in this area. I play softball with some and know others through social or work activities. I have a lot of respect and admiration for the friends I know. There are, however, still too many asshole cops out there who seem to enjoy belittling people and abusing their authority way too much. Some are seriously dangerous. The videos are everywhere.

Tonight I met one. A petite woman who appeared to be showing off for a trainee with her. She stopped me because I was driving with daylight headlights only even though before she turned on her lights, I noticed and I turned on all of my lights. She told me she stopped me for driving without headlights. She stood at my back window with no more than the top of her head sightly visible to me on the passenger side of my car. Her trainee stood a few feet back from the car, though more visible to me. I could not tell which one was actually talking because if the glare of her floodlights shining in my car.

She asked for my paperwork and I handed her my license. I started searching through my wallet for my registration and she got pissy telling me I should have it ready at all times. Her hostility and haughtiness was ridiculous. She lost my respect with her attitude and rudeness, but then she insisted that she was stopping me because I was driving with no lights on and I explained that the car turns daylight running lights on automatically when it starts, so the manufacturer makes her claim impossible. I accepted that the taillights were not turned on, but the headlights were on. I turned the car off and then on to demonstrate and said I am not trying to give you a hard time, but I just want the ticket to be accurate and I was not driving without headlights.

I gave her my registration and insurance and she took my paperwork back to her car while her trainee smiled and apologetically shrugged. Ten minutes later they came back to the car and I looked at the passenger side because the trainee was slightly visible there. She was nowhere to be seen. She banged on my driver's door. I could not tell who was talking as they were both behind the back doors. She lectured me about the dangers of driving without lights and said she was giving me a written warning so it is documented and the next time I am stopped it will cost me money. That mentality of making money creates hostile and way too many traffic stops and she was already assuming I would be stopped again. Maybe she'll be looking for my car. Her attitude was so disrespectful that her trainee partner rolled his eyes.

She waited in silence before handing me my paperwork and the written warning as if I was suppose to say something. I just sat there because she was not going to bait me into giving her reason to ask me to step out of the car. Then asked if I understood what she said. I said yes and she waited a bit longer, as if to provoke me into saying something. She finally repeated what she said in a more hostile tone and then tossed the paperwork past my ear onto my lap. She huffed off calling to her trainee with the final words "We're done here." The partner made eye contact, smiled sheepishly, and said have a good night. I said thank you to him, you too.

She was not going to get a kiss-ass thank you or any further discussion from me as she was disrespectful and not representing her authority in any way that was right. That seemed to tick her off as much as my pointing out that new cars have automatic headlights.

Altamonte Springs police department can do a lot better in their hiring and training than that power tripping woman. At least her trainee had enough sense not to follow her arrogant and disrespectful lead. I hope she doesn't hurt someone one of these nights.

Otherwise, today was softball and cards, I think.

Make it a good night.

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