Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Body

There's a blog for that, the body, that is, but and this entry was written here but moved there, so this will be a briefer summary as the body seems to need a summary review (or something like that). Body issues have risen to consciousness enough to disturb my peace and tranquility. Insect bite issues on my legs from doing yard work, overheating from the outside work and lack of air-conditioning (the car is the only place to cool down and I need to keep remembering towels for the seats so they don't get soaked with sweat), other skin tags and more. Flaking on the face when I don't shave daily is increasing. I need to find my good razor (or break down and buy another... thing is I have several in some box somewhere). Without a doctor, health insurance, or a close friend who will look at the parts of this body I can't see it is challenging to treat or even know what to do about thing.

Hemorrhoids have gotten annoying. Hopefully they are just rhoids. I am long past due for a colonoscopy and don't want to think about the possibilities. The kidneys have not been friendly lately. Again, no check ups or medical tests leave too much for the imagination. Stress is not a friend sometimes. Weight is not a friend either (excess weight, that is) and playing cards three or more times a week with really big eaters is not helping as it takes more concentration and separation than I'd like to eat completely differently than they do. I already struggle with my taste buds and food addictions on my own. Alas, my choices. My right heel aches more and more after resting after softball or exercise and that is not fun cuz it makes doing more exercise more challenging.

The left side of my neck continues to come and go as a cramp or stiff neck more often after vigorous exercise or sitting too long. It reminds me to align my spine better, but it is really a pain in the neck. The lower back seizing pain stops everything from time to time and I must be aware of what triggers that though I am not always sure what does. Fingers and hands cramp from time to time. The left ear tinnitus is as bad as ever and I am noticing the wax build-up has reached that point of needing lavage. Again, no medical professional to turn to. The hair is thinning to a point where I will likely be balding from the top front over the next few years. Oh well, I can't afford vanity.

The muscles are atrophying faster and regenerating slower with each passing year and in the past couple of years both processes are accelerating way faster than I'd like. Stamina sucks, both muscle and aerobic, to put it mildly. I know my standards are higher than most, being a former marathoner with memories of 5 minute miles, but I double I could do a 15 minute mile at the moment (even in reasonable temperatures) and that saddens me when I think about it. I don't want the heart muscles to deteriorate any faster so I really must take some form of aerobic cardio seriously.

The eyes still work find for most things without strain and with minimal squinting, but even the eyes are finally showing signs of aging and the lack of exercise is a big part of that deterioration as well. Eye muscles need regular very specific exercise too, after all. Much of my reading is online for the past decade or so which offers little in the way of the exercise reading fine print or books offers. Reading books puts me to sleep. I used to love reading books. And the changes keep on changing.

Nose Hairs, ear hairs, and other sundries that accompany an aging body are showing up more and more. Overall though, most of the time, it feels great to be alive in this body and I really had to think about all the details in this entry. That does not mean the details are exaggerated, it just means the deterioration of this body has not become a routine interference in the enjoyment of being physically alive. So all in all, it is still a wonderful life.

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