Friday, December 30, 2016

Afternoon Blur (Not a Delight)

Way too much food and about 16 ounces of Mountain Dew yesterday kept me awake all night (it's been a while since I did 24 hours without sleep, a few weeks at least, as sleep is essential to the health maintenance regime) and now, about seven hours later, I am quite hungover. I may have mentioned somewhere that I stopped for a 7-11 pizza on the way home from late night cards and games at The Commodore's place.

Carb hangovers, I almost forgot what they were like. This one is compounded by the ear wax. The ear wax has built up to a point where hearing is noticeably affected. I wake under water. It is sometimes quite peaceful, but these days, usually loud. The pulse woke me sounding like a jackhammer and the tinnitus like an extremely high pitched air raid siren. Finding an inexpensive remedy for ear wax is moving to near the top of the to do list. Getting rich enough for tinnitus surgery and a serious MRI reading of my head (not to mention other medical reviews) is right behind it, however less realistic.

I think I'll sit here amidst the noise and slowly wake up from the fog.

Hello... hello... hello... is anybody out there?

Everything changes except for the fact that everything changes.

Ok, so it seems (for no apparent reason other than I just happened to click on the links for no apparent reason that I recall as it is twenty four hours later, yes suddenly in this parentheses, as I return to this mostly completed entry what was not uploaded yesterday afternoon because, I believe, I laid back and watched TV... or something like that) to be time to update the About pages for this brief and the companion babbling blog (do you recall this is a two-step daily blog?... well, if you've not found this information, it is just over there on the right under Navigation and Information in case it matters... hopefully it does and you want to know, but in case you don't I hope you enjoy your reading even if I never know you were here or why you are reading).

Right, so to introduce those pages...

About This Blog is a simple, concise, direct explanation of why the brief daily blog exists, in case it matters to you. Updated 12/31/16.

About This Writer is a less brief and slightly elusive attempt to introduce myself as the writer of this blog, but kind of looks like more of an advertisement attempting to lure you to click on links and read more of my written gardens. Updated 12/31/16.

About The People is what some might call The Cast if we see blogging (or life) as a story. I realized it can be quite inaccurate as people and relationships change and it can be quite depressing to update when trusted people stop caring or become mean. If I cared what the world thinks of me, it might even be embarrassing, but then, come to think of it, this might be the most embarrassing page if I cared what the world thinks of me. People. Updated 12/31/16.

About This Blog World is an attempt to provide some sort of explanation of the structure and purpose and perhaps even the development of the blog world and maybe even the written gardens over the years. Feel free to let me know if that attempt succeeded in any way.

Other Blogs and Stuff (called ... in the part-two babbling blog, Blogs and Other Strangers most likely because that is the name of the page) is as close to a table of contents as the written gardens has these days. Updated 12/31/16.

If You Think You Know Me is a serious attempt (what?... no tongue-in-cheek sarcasm, snarky asides, or subtle-as-a-brick self-mockery?... well, maybe a little) to remind friends, especially friends who interact with me in daily life offline, that they may not know me nearly as well as they think I do. I mean, what is most important to me in this life? What do I want most out of life? What really makes me tic? My greatest joy? My deepest pain? Heck, what is my favorite color? I doubt anyone who calls me friend in the "real world" could give accurate answers to those questions with any real meaning or depth. Unless their psychic. Reality has a cold heart sometimes.

About This Blog (for the second part of the part-two babbling blog, or this blog you are currently reading {I admire your stamina} called Dirt, Drama, and Details, in case you are a little lost or wondered where you are) is a simple, concise, direct explanation of why this blog exists, which means it's not nearly as simple, concise, or direct as the About This Blog for, but that's kind of the point.

More About This Blog is, as it says, more about this babbling blog as I actually did try to be sort of somewhat concise in the first About This Blog for this blog.

Facebook Pages are just that, Facebook Pages.

If You Think You Know Me is for anyone who thinks they know me, but more, for anyone who wants to know me. Especially anyone who wants to understand me (so I suppose it might be for me too, aye?).

. . .

entries seem incomplete recently...

maybe it's the fog...


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