Sunday, March 6, 2016

Games should be fun

As fatigue deepens, I seek more fun distraction beyond Facebook and the internet. TV will be gone soon and TV has been one of my primary distractions from loneliness and stress over the last few years (and there have been times I lived without TV for years and enjoyed life just as well if not more, but I will miss it as the habit is strong at the moment). Facebook blocked my account recently (long live Bugs Webbot and nnow you can Join the Bugs Webbot movement, dangit), so Facebook is at a low point for fun just when it was being prepared to take over for the TV. The universe is full of challenges lately. The likelihood of more to come is unfortunately high as I let down all guards and defenses and throw myself on the mercy of the whatever.

Meanwhile, the night was even more challenging than the day. The sofrtball loss was not so bad. It dropped us to 6-1 but we still clinched first in the league. The other team is used to winning and brought in ringers. The coach of our team is not very softball savvy or realistic about his or others skillsets, so it takes a lot of careful pitching to win and until today I've been able to do it in this league. Next week is the last game of the season and we play the same team we lost to today. Then two weeks later, playoffs for the trophy. The two coaches are way too competitive and argued rules and made this week less fun than any previous week, but I'll just keep playing and having fun.

While seeing Jackson and Brandi happy together was wonderful, it did highlight the loneliness I am facing and also reminded me how much I long to find a partner in life (and activities, if not in life) and I've got to work on that more now that Jackson is living elsewhere and has much less time and I have too much time on my hands. So the dilemma of where and how to find friends and activity partners and life partners and what I want in life rises to the surface once again. While a softball partner must be added to my want list (originally posted almost twenty years ago) and a few items can come off the list, it is still consistently (and maybe sadly, since most items are not removed yet) reflective of what I want in life.

The cards idea was not a good one and I should have known. Both Harpo and Sarducci are very competitive and it did not turn out well when Sarducci lost to Harpo twice. They need to be part of a larger group of players as just playing with three of us was too argumentative for me and my fatigue didn't help as I just wanted to have fun. Life goes on.

I wonder if the dirt, drama, and details are fun for anyone. :)

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