Monday, March 28, 2016

It was many hours ago Yesterday

If you found the two song transition in the title, bravo and let me know. You may be entitle to an all expenses paid trip to Orlando, Florida or some other destination if there is ever any income around here (or if I win the lottery, though the odds are not so good there as I play maybe once a year)

It can be quite a lonely day, Sunday without softball, especially when the whole world is following a tradition of being with family (chasing eggs or bunnies or some such tomfoolerly). As I am not one who find much useful in most human traditions, especially religious traditions, I usually either spend holidays by myself or with someone who doesn't mind my alternative perspectives. Today was no differemt than most.

I did not feel like venturing on the roads and dealing with holiday traffic (and massive heat and humidty and some rain or at least potential rain especially since I am feeling hot and sticky... hopefully the shower will be hot in the next couple of days and this transition time of sponge baths and feeling uncomfortably hot and sticky will be a thing of the past), so it was a quiet day at home alone again, naturally (more mashed references for your puzzling pleasure). Since I was awake at least until sunrise last night I slept past noon once again and then puttered about the place for a bit and then, Facebook and reading articles on the internet (some older links may have slipped into that list, but I am actually up to date now {unless you count the many thousands of links not uploaded during the pause} and might even keep up with uploading the sites I saw in the blog called Sites I Saw [what a coincidence, aye?) just for you who needs to know, in case it matters). Anyway, I was mostly reading as I am quickly relatively burnt out in commenting.

That catching up on the world, current events, breakthroughs in science anywhere else breaktroughs might happen, amusing myself with cute (or a variety of) videos, collecting links and images, and general mayhem went well into the evening and night with several Ruzzle breaks tucked in and a round of Words with Friends that I play with Jackson. Dinner was a sandwich made from the assortment of meats and cheeses (four different lunch meats and six different cheese slices), I bought last week along with a bit of macaroni salad and cole slaw. Also some Spaghettios and meatballs with melted cheese on top.

There was probably more to this but I started nodding off. Hope you are having fun too :)

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