Sunday, December 24, 2017

Alone With Movies

Is there anybody going to listen to my story? Does anybody want to even begin to try? I could write a song based n these first two lines. But if I did then I would have to lie. And I ma never ever tell you why.

I ever watched Kill Bill and I am sure it was partly because I do not like movies about killing but mostly because I often rebel against pop culture and the movie was raved about by all the cool people who like blood and gore and, well, I don't go to war movies much and it took me a while to see Pulp Fiction. Anyway, I may have gotten past that knee-jerk reaction to avoid the popular violence because when Hulu put Kill Bill on the Expiring Soon list, I decided to start watching movies on the list and after Airplane! and Total Recall I clicked on Kill Bill. Dang if Volume 1 wasn't curiously interesting.

A strange movie indeed. It would have been quite strange for a Tarantino film to have a simple ending where one parent says to the other "you know, many parents have overcome serious adversity for the sake of the child." They could have added "...especially when they both still love each other." The response of "Yes, but you shot me in the head." could have been met with "True, but my heart was obviously not in it because here you sit." Or "There must have been some reason I missed." And they all lived happily ever after in luxury. Not Tarantino, huh? lol.

That kid can sleep through anything, I suppose.

So I finally see what all the fuss was about and why it is sa bit of a cult favorite. Reading a bit about the plot turned me off to seeing it originally, but I am glad I did. Even if it seemed like Bill took care of the kid pretty well and mom is a bit out of control. She could have at least taken the money from Budd's place and other things along the way to insure she could raise the kid comfortably without having to be away on hits all the time. Yeah, no practicality at all.

On to a James Bond Marathon.

What have you been doing all this time?

Narf :)

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