Thursday, December 14, 2017

Excitement and Adventure and Really Wild Things

PRESS HERE... Well, not exactly here... just below here, which would make it there, so PRESS THERE
Really? Can you reference the title for us? 101010? I absolutely knew there was a reason I was wanting this for a cell phone ring tone, the really powerful crescendo part, if you know what I mean... if only I was clever enough to use just about any audio software to make one that could be used on my iphone or android, alas, I would be a genius of the third order. Feel free to prove to me that you are one by sending me said audio clip and teaching me how to make it my ring tone. I'll be forever grateful to you for at least a little while. Promise.

I just fell in love with Hannah Marks. It happens like that sometimes. I impulsively just, or just impulsively, at least, followed her on Twitter and am considering doing Instagram for the first time I can recall at the moment just because.

It feels kind of like the kind of like the obsession I have with Ellen Page, who still holds the height of pinnacle of obsessive crushes for no apparent reason, but in the thirty or so seconds of exposure to Hannah she has leaped into something place on the list of imaginary lovers and more importantly, adopted baby sisters and potential BFFs. Of course the BFF part is ridiculous because nobody puts up with me for long, no less forever, but I shall love her and kiss her and take her home and call her George today. Even if she doesn't really have a brother who wins the lottery.

Marvin did promise excitement and adventure and really wild things before he flew off into the sun. A meatball cheeseburger, two, in fact, was a sudden dinner a few minutes ago. I could definitely enough a third, but I have decided to try not to be that impulsive because it would have been better if I did not wire up the brain and get hungry and instead fall asleep because the weight loss program has been a relative failure so far and luckily there is no burger place or food place within walking distance or I'd be getting some more food cuz it's one of those nights and naturally I blame Hannah, or Ellen, or Mila, Milla, or chocolate even. Oh dear, now I want chocolate.


I have an Instagram account and therealjacksonbrowne started following me last week. Really? seven other people started following me in the past month. I don't even remember the last time I was on Instagram and I don't think I ever posted anything there, in fact, I don't remember how. Elija Wood? I thought he looked familiar, but Alison Thorton just hit another nerve on the melt me and watch my pants slide off scale (what?... you never heard of that scale?... what can I say, I am easy tonight... the deranged mass murderer killer is crazy fun for me right now... loving her energy) and she moved into Jenna Louise-Coleman territory with less than a minute on screen.

Moments later, not s much. Maybe it's the whimpering dog act that takes me back to childhood fun and games and petting (what sex? who said anything about sex?), but let's be careful what we eat, m'ok?. Meanwhile, back to Hannah and her sister, the crazy one. Everything's connected, right? Yeah, so they are two sisters in the imaginary family I never had. It really doesn't matter if I'm wrong or right, where I belong I'm right, and where I belong is right here in my mind with this Sheldon's (Big Bang) brother who just happens to be an odd detective, and my sisters. The crazed psycho assassin has to stop wanting to kill Dirk so she can stay in the show.

Did you want to know what happened today?

I want more food. Deliver food and I will tell you. You don't even have to let me pet you. Unless you ant me to and you look like one of my sisters. Or dream girls. I should make a blog for my dream girls. I just never make the time Besides, that would be like taking the obsession seriously and I'd get bored real fast so I just let the impulsive attraction (be it crush, lust, or the innocence of a puppy) suddenly rush over me with deliciousness and and hunger that can only be satisfied with sex, drugs, rock and roll, or comfort foods.

I remember when there was so much more than comfort foods.

Pity this is a Thursday and I am going to work tomorrow. I'd head out for some more comfort foods and make this an all-nighter with my new family. I mean, I should have know Fiona Dourif before tonight. Hannah gets first call, but something about Fiona's personality is electrifying and alluring. Sucker for the innocent monster, no doubt.

On the other hand, one of the least sexy biggest turn-offs is a grown woman giving the finger.

So there she goes, already fading into oblivion. It was fun while it lasted. I should have known I would enjoy this story. I think I read the books once a long long time ago but don't remember and besides, the TV shows of Douglas Adams books only loosely relate to the books and the books are better. But I am enjoying this and it is the excitement and adventure and really wild things Marvin promised. Who knew? Marvin, I suppose. His brain was the size of a planet. I don't think the sun got him though (shhhhh, don't tell the secrets). Why did I never take the time to watch this show before? Why did I start on a Thursday night? Why don't I have more meatball cheeseburgers? And where are the fries, dangit? Where are the fries?

And who is this Zachariah Webb character, anyway?

Tune in another time and maybe...

Narf :

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