Saturday, December 23, 2017

Saturday On The Web

How interesting... This incomplete entry received two page views in the few hours it was up out here and this entry was completely overlooked. Was it the title?

Meanwhile, the universe gave me a vague 2:00 PM wake up call. So I suppose the title should be Saturday Afternoon blah blah blah, no doubt. I slept about ten hours, mostly. I woke a few brief moments to roll over or go to the bathroom. The bowels moved with less drama than usual and it's been increasingly better for the past week or two, but still the same need for the doctor remains even after seeing five different doctors who passed me on, but the good news is that I have been eating heavier harder to digest foods and the digestive system is working just fine with a few prunes tossed in each day. I showered. Didn't wash my hair, but hot watered the rest of me as well as I can in this space. Sat down here to start writing and put on some music, Jim Croche's greatest hits, and then some... and here we are.

Eb said Hey Ken and seemed to be near my door. I wonder if he was talking to me. He usually just knocks. Maybe he was on the phone, but I didn't hear an more talking after the Hey Ken. I used to call him a close variation on his name for the first month or two I lived here. After nine months, though, I would think he'd known my name. Other than it being three letters, it's not even close to Ken. Then this next thought crossed my mind. You may have been reading me for year, even up to two decades... do you know my name?


I almost linked the old Beatles song suggesting you look up my number, but it wasn't queued up and the one above was, whatever it is. I wandered youtube listening to music this afternoon and then, for no apparent reason, I listened to this and left a comment.

It appears your idea requires a great deal of trust. That may be the rarest commodity in human history. In human history, has there been a society (nation, culture, government, tribe, whatever we call it) that has not succumbed to greed?

Do you think modern humans in this century could trust each other enough to make it happen?

Some say the bullies without ethics always win.

Has there been a time in human history where humans did not live in a state of conflict or war?

So what else is new? While listening to music, I also wandered the web downloading photos. It was another cathartic moment of finding words that express what I would like everyone who ever betrayed me to read. Simple thing, like wish you didn't or I'm still here and you're still welcome and also hopeful, always ending with the hopeful. It became yet another Facebook photo album that you can peruse through here. I commented on a lot more of the photos than I usually do, in case it matters.

It is time for dinner, I think.

Hope you had fun too.

Narf :)

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