Monday, April 25, 2016

Just A Minute, I Said

That was last Tuesday, I think. I was going to title this Oops, I Did It Again but I forgot to upload it and by now there are entries for all the missing days. See, I did not upload entries for several days because I was distracting myself with Facebook political discussions. If you missed me, that is where I have been. I am catching up on entries tonight (I hope) before I fall asleep.

Yes, I said that I will just check in for messages on Facebook. Just for a minute because I really feel like giving myself time tonight. There is value for me to read and write there, but that value quickly diminishes the more time I spend there. There is way too much repetition and redundancy (yes, both... lol lam). More destructive, there is way too much negativity from closed minds that seem conditioned to an empty method of communication that involves or is even based on labeling, insult, and provocative one liners. Conversations based on meaningful thoughts or reason are not the norm there. But isn't that humanity, after all. Rational thought is the exception to the rule.

While it may be a waste of time on many levels, it has helped me congeal my choice for President among those still running (Elizabeth Warren would be my first choice out of current politicians and given that, you can probably guess who my choice is). Yes, I've decided Bernie's dream is the American dream and we really ought to take The American Dream more seriously again. It worked pretty well for all of us the last time (Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy). It is sad and a bit amazing that so many people are ignorant of history and economics and politics and their own interests and what is best for them.

How anyone can justify supporting the millionaire and billionaire Corporate candidates (or the religious fanatic) is beyond any reasonable explanation I can surmise. Especially not when our government is drowning us in their corruption. People apparently don't know or believe how corrupt our politicians have become and they are laughing all the way to the bank. While we struggle more and more to make ends meet every year, politicians are giving our tax dollars to foreign countries and the defense industry, banks, and other multi-national corporations who are taking that money and putting it in foreign banks so they don't have to pay taxes on it. Reinvestment in this country is not as profitable as other investments, so our roads and bridges and buildings and water supplies and infrastructure crumbles a little more every year. They distract us from that with flag waving wars with enemies they've created and supplied.

Madness and people ignore it. See? Just a minute, I said.

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