Friday, April 8, 2016


Expanding on life with whatever babble might be left in this tired old brain tonight (famous last words?), I continue (in case it matters). If only I was actually physically running a hampster wheel or treadmill or doing some such exercise, but I am referring to mental and emotional treading and both treading water as in feeling like I could drown if I stop and treading in circles as if I am not getting anywhere but working overtime. Wondering who cares doesn't help. I've got to care first and foremost, after all. And have we slid into emo here? (there are so many other writing places for that, after all, let's get back to the supposedly (mocking) impartial recording of the dirt, drama, and details, shall we?

I did forget to mention in the past few entries as I caught up on the few days of (oh, that again?) yeah, back on track please. What I was referring to was that Ruzzle provided hours of distraction during the past four days (or was it five) of whatchamacallit (the four days of dalliance into an episode of avoidance, perhaps... just couldn't stop the self-mockery, could I? Well, laughter is the best medicine and I could use a good drug about now, after all). As did (assist with the avoidance thing) Words with Friends. Chess, Spades, and Bridge against the computer also. And of course all the daily games with others (two days of softball, three evenings of softball, three evenings of cards), so for whatever it means, I am keeping busy. Treading.

Jackson plays Words with Friends but rarely plays Ruzzle as she does not like the latter but she does like the former. Curly mentioned that I mention Jackson quite often after I mentioned to him that I miss her. Living with someone and seeing them multiple times a day in all conditions of vulnerability and emotions for seven or more years does not suddenly end overnight or in a week or few. At least not for me. I wonder if she misses me. How much. When. Why. Enough emo, aye?

So the period of mourning the life gone by is coming to it's conclusion (is that really part of what birthdays are supposed to be about?), maybe (there's always hope) and I decided to eat my way out of it again. Today I slept in once again after staying up most of the night catching up on this record of a life (as opposed to this record of a life (or so many others recent and long ago, aye?... did someone say emo?... you call that emo?... that ain't no stinking ancient emo, this is emo... huh?). What? I must have digressed.

Actually, I might have continued distracting myself with Facebook and internet articles, but that whole four or five day avoidance thing was (and still is, to come extent) a bit of a fog). After waking at what some people would likely call an ungodly hour, though that just shows the ridiculousness of religious references and conformity if you really face facts and follow that digression which we won't do for the moment, I showered (it is so good to have a working shower with hot water again) and headed to Excel and the Commodore's for dinner and cards. Dinner seems to be part of the deal (pun unintended) and while I feel imbalanced because I do not bring anything most of the time and feel stressed (financially) when I do, they do not seem to be people who are counting which is a wonderful thing in this world. Excel was picking up Chinese food again and this time I stopped at the store for more water and found a good price on shrimp (yes, I know, not the most economical food, but meat is $5 a pound now too) at $5 a bag so I bought two bags to add to the shrimps in black bean sauce that she orders for me because others ate most of the shrimp last time. That was the right thing for me since Curly ate half the shrimp instead of the chicken he usually eats. I sat on the wallet again (pun intended).

We played Bridge and it was a foggy night for me as I was feeling a sugar hangover after two and a half long johns the night before so I ended up in third place which is still pretty amazing considering I only started playing recently and yay for small victories (I am not too pathetic, pointing out this, am I?... Asking the question might be though, lol). Headed home after the game to finally return to my written gardens and wrote previous entries here and other places (introducing two closer to the core introductory-type blogs that have been around for some time and simply never had an About This Blog page) revealing a bit more about me than I typically do (with a little help from my friends, thank you J :)

I fell asleep as I started this entry and finished writing it tomorrow (how's that for exposing the relativity of time in blogs, aye?) Wishing you a smile tonight and may a dream come true :)

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