Friday, May 27, 2016

Sweet Teeth

It is truly a miracle I still have all of my teeth, except for one wisdom tooth I let a dentist pull. Dentists love to find problems because that is how they make money, Same with doctors or any profession. Doctors, drug companies, and hospitals need sick people. Insurance companies need sick people, clumsy people, and people prone to accidents. Lawyers need criminals. Politicians need gullible fools. When there are not enough customers, they create more. So I seldom visit a doctor or dentist and I am one of the healthiest people I know for my age.

Anyway, about the teeth. I have the sweetest teeth. I mean they crave sweets more than the average teeth and I'd wager there are few teeth in this world that crave sweets more than my teeth. Specific kind of sweets, my teeth are picky. They don't want just any crap sugar, they want specific flavors and textures and body and more. The reason I am going on about my sweet teeth is they are craving sweets right now and I have no sweets here. Going out for sweets is an option, but a very foolish one as I was almsot asleep two hours ago and if I go out for sweets I'll be up all night (or I might fall asleep right after, but stop encouraging the teeth) nand sleep all day and be groggy for softball tomorrow night and be up tomorrow night after softball and the lonelies will drown me.

I don't want to drown, so I'll stay home tonight.

As I was saying earlier, life these days is all about sleep and play. And sweets. Well, not just sweets, food. Life is about food. Food is my primary sensual stimulation and as much as my teeth crave sweets, my body craves stimulation. So does my mind, but that's another bottomless pit of insatiable appetite we'll leave for another night. I keep looking around for sweets and don't find any. I believe I have some canned fruit in a box somewhere so it behooves me to get more boxes open, but not tonight. I really need to get to sleep soon.

After whatever the last entry summarized, I headed out to play bridge as tonight was Thursday Night Bridge at Excel and the Commodore's place. They had dinner ready, as usual (one day I must find a way to thank them more than I do now). Dinner was meat and potatoes and veggies, as usual. I've eaten more meat and potatoes (not to mention chips, salsa, crackers, guacamole, and other snacks) since playing cards than I did all last year or maybe longer. No complaints, I just need to cut back and find some healthier balance to my diet. Labs tests would definitely have doctors up in arms these days and I really should go get some as I have a free place. One of these days, yeah.

Crock pots cook meat soft enough to cut with a fork or spoon. Tonight was pork tenderloin, little potatoes, squash/zuccini mix. I may get a crock pot but I am not sure how hot it would make this place. Cheaper ones that do not have rubber seals steam up a place and that would not work here at all. I must pay more attention when around them. I could do pasta and veggies and chili and meatballs and other stuff I like. Yeah, if I decide to get past the recent freeze on my non-essential spending. Maybe I should have pursued that sleep lab job a bit more.

Anyway, bridge was fun tonight. I started out great and had a big lead but then I slowed down as I lost focus. I was hungry and I have no caffeine. I slipped into third place behind the Commodore and Curly by the end of the night. They brought out cheese-its and I had a few, but they love their snacks so I just waited a few minutes and they were gone. Better for me that way. I had a bologna and cheese (muenster) sandwich when I got home and I was starting to feel sleepy, but then started playing Bridge on the computer and woke up and then the teeth started talking to me and here we are.

Are you enjoying reading this meandering babbling summary of the dirt, drama, and details of this life I experience? Anybody? Bueller? I will stay hopeful and keep dreaming that this sort of communication is exactly part of the kind of communication someone wants and we will pleasure each other through words and any number of other ways. If it's only words, that's fine too. I'll just keep dreaming of more and appreciate every moment of our shared words.

Somebody must be a little like me :)

All I want to do is share everything with someone who
wants to share everything the way I do with me
I've been told that there is someone in this world for everyone
and I want to believe that is not just fantasy

I've been waiting patiently enjoying the life
Always keeping the door open for the one who is my wife
the partner who is meant to be a part of me right next to me
and I want to believe that can become reality

Yeah, so anyway, we were just having fun, right? I hope you had a good day and night too :)

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