Friday, May 20, 2016

Yes I Did (Go There)

I stare at an empty box.

By box I mean the box on the screen into which we type words when we create a blog post. I meant no other box when I first typed the sentence, but the laughter you do not hear comes because, well, I'll let you put two and two (or one and one, for that matter) together as you wish. The fact is, this particular entry is being written long after the title was typed into the title bar and it has been sitting in draft mode, empty, all this time. Months. half a Spring, a whole Summer, and most of a Fall. Whatever could I have been thinking back then.

Clues might be found in the entries written around that time. Finding those entries became more of a challenge today because Blogger updated the dashboard interface and took away the "last updated" list of blogs, leaving us with an alphabetical pull down menu that eliminates the quick right-click to open a blog or post list (or anything else) in another window. It is as if Blogger knew I might need just that feature today. Sure, they did it just to spite me.

So I look in the most obvious place, the brief entry for the original date of this blog where I find these four links, the last being to the companion blog (to the two dailies) that has the same title as this one.

I see I was reaching back twenty years to my original online BIOS (as in biographical files, though the term BIOS did amuses me as in what gets a computer up and running. For me, it's kind of what makes me tic, sorta mostly, at least for that singular snapshot of time) which lead to Libboland and more specifically, the visual libido but there is so much more if you understand.

Sex, there apparently refers to sex and attraction and physical loneliness. I don't go there often for many reasons, though being a Priest is not one of them. I will not include the photos that were in the other links just out of laziness and the fact that I do not want to spent time searching for those photos amidst many thousands of other photos on my hard drives. Use your imagination (or click the links, you'll find the right ones eventually).

This entry could have been deep.

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